How to make the cursor invisible?

Thanks to Auto-Hide you can type faster on Keybard or make your cursor invisible so it doesn't distract you during reading or watching videos. Find more:

It is necessary to have the iPad updated to iPadOS 17 and have Hiru correctly connected.

Go to Settings > Settings > Accessibility > Touch > Assistive Touch > Devices > Hiru > Auto-Hide > toggle ON + set up the time, which shows up the cursor again.

The amount of time you set in Auto-Hide is the time you must dwell on one point for the cursor to appear. This time is added before the dwell time. 

How does it look in reality?

Set up dwell time for 0.75 s. Set up Auto-Hide time for 0.3 s.

Dwell on a clickable icon, and after 0.3 seconds you will see the cursor (or the frame of the Snap to Item function if Snap is on) and after another 0.75 seconds, it will click on the icon.

You can use Auto-Hide simultaneously with the Snap to Item function!

See the video on how to read without any distractions, where Auto-Hide time is set up for 1 s: 

Watching videos without distractions? Use Auto Hide!

If you enjoy watching videos, movies, or series, try using a great feature Auto Hide exclusively while watching movies. It ensures that you won't be distracted by the cursor on the screen at any moment.

  1. Set up dwell time for 0.75 seconds
  2. Set up Auto-Hide time for 4 seconds (yes, full 4 seconds!)
  3. Add Auto Hide to Hot Corner
  4. Minimize the impact of the Assistive Touch menu or make it completely disappear to avoid any distractions while watching videos.

Follow these steps:

  • Find a video or movie you want - using dwell time 0.75 s or higher
  • Increase the size of the video screen for a better viewing experience.
  • Press the play button to start the video.
  • Look into the Hot corner where you set up the AutoHide and toggle it ON
  •  Now you can watch the video without the cursor appearing. Only if you have a look at one point for more than 4 seconds, the cursor appear
  • When you finish watching the video, look at the same hot corner again, but this time for a duration longer than 4 seconds, and toggle OFF the AutoHide feature for now.
  • You can now continue working without the cursor being hidden.

By following these steps, you can enjoy your videos or movies without any distractions from the cursor on the screen.

Type faster!

If you find that you need a faster dwell time for typing compared to other activities on your iPad, we have a solution for you! Simply follow these steps:

  1. Set up the dwell time to 0.75 seconds.
  2. Set up the Auto-Hide time to 0.25 seconds.
  3. Add Auto Hide to Hot Corner

With the AutoHide action ON, you can have a dwell time of 1 second, without being distracted by the cursor. However, when it comes to typing, toggle OFF the autohide feature in one of the hot corners on your iPad. This shortens the dwell time to 0.75 seconds, allowing you to type faster.

Note: Please note that the times mentioned are just indicative. Adjust the dwell time and Auto-Hide time to suit your personal preferences and needs.